Thursday, August 12, 2010

For Hayah love from Pixie

To the sister who just left me this comment: "I really love Sunnah Style, I really do. But if they came down like $15.00 on their abaya price I think their volume of sales would quadruple. I am sure they sell a lot already but their sales would quadruple. Also if they did not charge so much extra for shipping when you order something like a niqab or hijab they would get more sales too.I used to have like 10 of their abayaat at one point in time, in fact I have a testimonial on their website.Unfortunately I got divorced (islamically but am still married legally unfortunately) and due to my lack of finances I had to sell all my abayaat off. So now I just wear the plain one and it is pretty beaten up. It has holes in the hem, the arms are about to come off at the seams, wearing the same abaya almost daily for like a year and a half has kinda made people start talking about me and gossiping about me but whatever. I do wash it in the sink several times a week. But no one cares.I just wish their prices were lower. It would be nice to get a couple abayaat, a khimar and maybe a veil for $100.But with Sunnah Style it would be like $250. Maybe more cuz I am bigger and taller and those extra $5, $6, $3 for alterations add up :(And their stuff is soooo goooood. I looove their stuff."

Send me your measurements, pics of what you like, and your address, I will not post, and I will try to get for you. Abayas where I am from cost less, and I am friends with some tailors.

InshaAllah we'll try to get you a Ramadaan gift that will get you through another year or too, time to save for sunnah style;)

I recently went through a rough financial time and so many people helped me and my family out mashaAllah, in fact where I am living now, everything was a gift, from my bed to my clothing and toilet plunger lol. So please, let me return the favour if I can;) now that I am back on my feet. Abaya and niqab and khimar ;) I can do.

Paying it forward has always been a Muslim thing;)

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