Monday, July 4, 2011

Pixie's Personal Style 2011---my maternity ventures

I have started having a thing for elegantly cut but plain black abayas and shaylas because I have of late been wearing niqab rather full-time here in Oman [where I live in Oman no one really wears niqab at all]. {I love my stringless layered flip niqab from Al Motahajiba-thank you habibixoxo}. Also, they have a lasting quality, the way few of my more trendier embellished abayas have got.

These next few sets will highlight a few of my personal accessories (that I own in real life) and ones I'd add.
I have always loved Leopard but fear it becomming trashy, so I usually stick to a leopard print purse or trench coat. But in the Gulf, women are fearless of leopard {not that they have the fashion saavy to prevent style disasters they just perhaps are as innocent as children playing dress up, the sheild of the black abaya ever at hand to prevent public disasters????}.
In Oman, everybody wears leopard. People are okay mixing it with florals, glitter, even other non-matching prints of Leopard. Another big trend is the jumpsuit. Which looked good on a size zero me, but preggo? I know curvier girls like Kim Kardashian are wearing it just fine, but for maternity I wondered could I pull it off? [I don't believe the jumpsuit is a lasting trend but neither are maternity clothes so now seemed the time to be daring since if it went out of style suddenly I'd have the excuse of a shrinking belly to to ditch it in a few months right?]. To be honest, not trusting my instincts, I googled the following pics to reassure myself: Seems it would be totally okay, so long as I has a cute thin belt, and some neutral wedges. And everything that could be made trashy is made classy with Hermes Birken bag right? {I love you habibi, for my beloved "pinkie"}. I actually don't follow the "brands make it better" philosophy but for a few months I think it would be okay to be a bit more wild. I know my diet is.

For shoes and accessories, Sahara beiges are in for the season (and last forever anyways as neutrals), so I will go with a low beige wedge with lots of support for my aching pregnancy feet (why they ache when I don't walk much anymore I don't know?).

Whether they are out of in, chandelier earrings (Omanis don't wear alot) and cocktail rings are my thing and I love them forever. I buy the cheapest but nicest looking I can find;).

With a jumper that is strapless like mine, unless you find the perfect wrap or knit to go over top, a big chunky necklace is needed. I have lots as I have a thing for tribal Yemeni and Omani jewelry. But the Chanel 2011 one in my fashion set? That one is so classic, very art noveau. My father would love it, when the prices of Birkens, and trends of leopard print and jumpsuits make him gag.

With pregnency my love of scents has also changed (I don't wear perfume out of the home ladies, ever). My favourite bukhour (insence) frankinsence makes me sick (but overhwhelming oud now doesn't) and perfumes that I once loved (sorry Chanel Chance) make me woozy. Stronger scents that once gave me a headache come in loud and clear and without the nasty side effects, but the only one my husband and I can agree on right now is Dior Chere. Which unfortunately got used up. I'll wait after the baby to invest again because I am sure my tastes will change.

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