Friday, May 15, 2009

Jum'a Thoughts: Guarding Your Jum'a from bi'das

After prayer we always like to make dua. MashaAllah, this is always a good thing, but doing it in congregation after the Shiekh has finished his khutbah is not, because it is a bid'a for the congregation to raise their hands in a gathering like this (not privately after their own salat) for ANY other situation but a PRAYER FOR RAIN. Don't add bid'as to your Jum'a salat. Wait till after the salat to make your dua, don't do it after the khutbah. The Sahaba NEVER made a public dua after the khutbah of the Prophet sallalahu allahi wa salaam except in instance of asking for rains to end a period of drought. If you see another sister or a male member of your family doing this bi'da of raising the hands after the khutbah, wait till after Jum'a service to advise them that the only time it was down by the Sahabiyat was when asked for rain. Advise them gently and kindly about this innovation to their salat, as I was cautioned kindly by sister Aalia (lol, I wasn't doing that but I learned something anyway).

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